In the locker, she finds a book she once lent Gaston, leading her to believe she is his unfinished business. Caught, Lumiere admits he was cursed by the Wicked Witch, who wants the Dark One alive so she can control him with the dagger. In an amnesiac state, Belle doesn't recognize her own name when Mr. Gold calls her and witnesses him conjuring a fireball just as a car crashes into town. She takes his decision warily, especially since he tried to kill her twice prior, though Hook states that he means to use this time to make it up to her. She thinks he doesn't believe her about the fireball just like everyone else, though Greg admits he saw it too. Frustrated, she angrily throws the cup at the wall as it shatters into pieces. Reunited, they hurry back to the pawnshop as Mr. Gold hesitantly tells her how Hook stole his wife, Milah, from him years ago. She also tells him off for trying to be someone he is not, and that she can still see him for who he truly is. ("Souls of the Departed"), In Mr. Gold's absence, Belle continues with her life in Storybrooke. She sees a recollection of Regina killing Archie in cold blood, though no one is aware it is actually Cora masquerading as the madam mayor. While Belle is still in the library, Mr. Gold arrives to accelerate her pregnancy, Belle reminds him that he doesn't have to be like this, and all she ever wanted was for him to try to be good. Wish Realm self: Contents 1 History 1.1 During First Curse 1.2 After First Curse 1.3 During Second Curse 1.4 After Second Curse 2 Trivia 3 Appearances He unknowingly affects Belle's unborn child with the sand as well, resulting in the dreamworld being shared by both Belle and her child, who assumes the form of a grown man, "Morpheus". She swears off a future with Mr. Gold and then returns to Storybrooke, where she passes by the closed pawnshop. Regina comes in to introduce herself as the mayor. Belle assumes the name Lacey and leaves the hospital to hit up the bar by playing pool and chatting with Mr. Clark. Upon his return to United that summer, Tuanzebe was anticipating more game time for his parent club in 2019/20, but sustained thigh and ankle injuries to disrupt his campaign. At some point, he once again places the fake dagger into Belle's purse. They attempt to dump her down the well, but Mulan scares them away while sustaining a leg injury. Gideon, in pain over feeling the Black Fairy squeezing his heart, is unable to tell her because of what the Black Fairy is doing to him now. She happily informs him that her father, Moe, has given his blessing to them. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Once Upon a Time fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Before one of Gaston's arrows hit him, Mr. Gold teleports himself and Belle to safety. Before leaving, she swears he will regret his decision, as there will be nothing left for him except an "empty heart and a chipped cup". After Mr. Gold, Emma, and Morpheus return from the dream realm, Regina comes back to the pawnshop with the fixed wand and urges Emma to do her duty as the Savior and defeat the Black Fairy with the wand, but Emma declines and reveals Mr. Gold is the Savior who is meant to do it. Instead, Regina later proves she stole the cup and uses it to goad Mr. Gold into admitting his real name, to prove he has regained his memories from before the curse. Blue When Belle admits she can't trust Mr. Gold at this point, Zelena considers herself to be in the same position with Hades, who, like Mr. Gold, is a beast behind the facade of a man. ("Dark Waters"), When the Queen threatens to destroy everyone with Acheron water unless Snow and David relinquish their hearts to her, Belle apologizes to the heroes for not being able to help, as she's already searched through all her books and found nothing useful. In a group discussion, Belle shares knowledge about the flying monkey's origins in the land of Oz, so Regina determines the person in the palace is the Wicked Witch. After Emma and Regina temporarily stun the beast with their combined magic, Belle goes to look up information about the Chernabog at the library. Mr. Gold argues he has defeated Cora before, but Regina reminds him that was during a time he "didn't have anything to lose". Belle, surprised by his sudden proposition, questions if something is wrong. Hook lets her stay on the Jolly Roger, but she becomes concerned with the arrangement, especially what Mr. Gold would do if found out about Hook helping her. On foot, Belle and Rumplestiltskin spot Robin Hood using the wand on a sickly woman. She persuades Gaston into letting her decipher the ogre's intentions by consulting a magical antiquities book. She hits him with a rowing paddle and runs away to above deck with the shawl, but Hook gets there first. ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), When Ariel enters the pawnshop, Belle is relieved that she is all right after not seeing her since the new curse has been in effect. GreyBrown (formerly) Once they are in the mines, some of the dwarves quarry a large rock to obtain fairy dust, one of the spell's ingredients. At their parting, Belle discovers he won't be able to return to her, but she voices hopes that the future is not set in stone. GreyBrown (formerly) "Leaving Storybrooke" When he insists she's setting herself up for failure, she storms out. Mr. Gold hugs her, stating he just wants to fulfill her dream and then hands her his car keys. He hints that the answer to stopping Mr. Gold is right in front of her, and begs her to stop his father from changing his fate before it's too late. Putting down her rose's glass jar, she jokes about offering him a glass if he asked, and then inquiries about whether true love's kiss worked on Emma. Belle takes it with her as she leaves to find the others. She claims Rumplestiltskin mentioned her, to which Belle is pleasantly surprised, though he says that never happened. At the cells, they find Lancelot, and unexpectedly, Merida, too. She then departs with Mr. Gold; not knowing he is luring her away so Hook can help him absorb the nuns into the hat. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. ("The Bear and the Bow"), After Arthur and Zelena's defeat, Belle is present in the diner as Emma uses the flame ember to reforge the sword and dagger into one weapon. The Black Fairy talks to her, telling her that she is pleased to make her acquaintance. Because of Belle's immense trust in him, he affirms to do the same for her. Suddenly, a guest from Neverland, Ariel, brings Belle a sand dollar from Mr. Gold. Occupation: "Leaving Storybrooke" She insists they were happy in Storybrooke, or they could have been if it was enough for him. With her cover blown, the fake nun morphs back into Zelena, who has come to take her daughter away. On the way out, Mr. Gold grabs a potion and drives Belle to the town line, intent on escaping from Emma. After sharing a goodbye kiss, she praises Mr. Gold for his efforts, as Neal would be very proud of him. Jekyll corners her and reveals he wishes to kill her as revenge on Mr. Gold, whom he blames for Mary's death. However, after only a year, she dropped out and undertook acting courses. ("The Outsider"), Frantic and confused, she doesn't understand what is going on. They both follow David, Regina and Robin Hood to check up on Zelena, who is now missing from the jail cell. Belle is mentioned on Henry's billboard in "Flower Child". A plan is set up to wait for Regina to bring the shield down and then mobilize the whole group into the palace. A lot of us gain the weight and we shouldn't be expected to lose it super fast (or at all). A man, Keith, tries to flirt with her, but she shoots him down. She insists on staying since the counterspell is very important, and he relents by deciding to keep her company until the business is finished. Fleeing, she stumbles out just before Mr. Gold, on Zelena's command, tells them to stay out of the way or risk death. Unable to remember how Colette died, she discovers from a book that rock trolls can restore memories. Later, Belle returns the child to his elated parents, as an unseen Rumplestiltskin watches longingly from a distance. First, a little background on Judy Garland, for those of you who don't know who she is. Belle insists she doesn't know "Morpheus", but the latter reveals he is her unborn child. Emma proclaims to Belle and Mr. Gold that their son is irredeemable while Mr. Gold vows to take her out if she tries to kill Gideon. The women are quickly taken hostage by Pan's associates, Michael and John, who steal the box and leave to destroy it. She believes Hook dealt with the same, except his love for Emma was used against him by Mr. Gold. Mr. Gold apologizes for bringing her back when they are going to die from the trigger's effects but needed her support. She is the main reality version of Belle. Belle suggests they could test it out by taking out of the tree's branches, but Regina declines, believing they'll have trouble if the branch ends up reverting to one of Merlin's fingers. Belle is locked in the tower by Rumplestiltskin, but the Blue Fairy frees her and urges her to save the baby. With Emma and Regina's combined powers, the trigger is halted, however, Henry is taken by Greg and Tamara and taken to another world. GALLERY, Belle Belle becomes uneasy after Jekyll speaks about Mary in a possessive way, to which she excuses herself to get sugar for his tea. Mr. Gold reveals he is the Dark One again, after using magic to make the darkness return to him, rather than let it die out from Hook's sacrifice. When Merida shows up to kill Belle on Emma's orders, Belle and Mr. Gold barricade themselves in the back room. She points out that it won't always be so since his mother is changing for the better. Much later, Zelena returns to collect her daughter from Belle, who reports that Robin was very well-behaved. Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is comfortable in her life as a bail bonds collector. At the docks, Belle is with Mr. Gold when they learn of Henry's kidnapping. Once there, she relinquishes the dagger into his possession so he can be forever free of anyone's control. When Rumplestiltskin bursts in to shut her up, they hear a thud from the main room. Thirdly, Belle makes him teleport both of them to the town line. She explains that, because she and Mr. Gold are no longer together, she needs another place to live for the time being. ("Wish You Were Here"), In Gideon's own words, he alludes to his parents about how the Black Fairy attempted to make him dark, but he never turned because he always remembered his mother's desire for him to be a hero. Belle thanks him for being unselfish by darkening his own soul in lieu of their son, and that if he can make the right choice after all the bad things he's done, perhaps there is hope for Gideon as well. Belle suggests she can babysit again if needed, though Zelena states that it's not necessary. Instead, Belle recognizes he has not and will never give up power for her. Instead of physically being strong like Emma, Snow, and Regina she had to rely on her book smarts and her inner strength. When Hook expresses guilt for imprisoning the Apprentice and anger about Mr. Gold's trickery, she openly recognizes her own weakness in not seeing her husband for what he was because of love. ("Her Handsome Hero"), Still harboring guilt over Gaston, Belle is looking at the Her Handsome Hero book, when Mr. Gold tries to pull her out of her stupor. Belle reveals the collected ingredients; David's courage, Regina's heart, and Mr. Gold's brain are items for a time spell to alter the past. Belle doesn't believe he's the real Hook until Ursula notes that if Mr. Gold was disguised him right now, he would have likely already killed Will. Belle finds evidence that Mr. Gold was being kept in the basement, and just as Robin recommends searching the rest of the house, Regina receives a text from Henry, warning that Emma is on her way back. The. Curiously, she wonders why he and Will are on bad terms, to which Hook states the man took something he cares about. Mr. Gold vows, if he survives the battle, to love her in the way he never could before, and he asks her to meet him by the wishing well after the duel so he'll know she loves him and wants to be with him. The next morning, Billy turns up dead, and Ruby is accused of murder, since she shape shifted into a wolf the night before, but can't remember anything. Rebel Wilson weighs approximately 165 pounds - that's 75 kilograms. ("Lily"), Harnessing the quill, Henry reverts Isaac's stories and returns everyone to Storybrooke. Shocked at this revelation, he drops the ball, which shatters into pieces, as he recalls the deal he made with Fendrake years ago, in which he will owe the healer his second-born child. After declining, she sets up a dummy of Mr. Gold in the pawnshop to lure Gaston in. Before waking her up, "Morpheus" warns her to not let Mr. Gold ruin them like he ruined his first family. He removes the tracking bracelet to prove he's not tricking her and then suggests she should call to check in with the nuns. She catches on that he made a deal with her husband, and David explains Mr. Gold had information about his father's death. Soon after, Belle loses consciousness and later awakens in bed, recalling nothing about what happened earlier. At first, Belle is overjoyed to see her father again, but balks when he insists that she leave Mr. Gold for good. Home: After "Morpheus" then cuts the ribbon with the fake shears, Belle awakens and finds a book she was reading before she fell asleep. Belle is led by the ribbon to the shears within a cave, where she realizes that she's dreaming as "Morpheus" arrives. Within the dreamworld, Belle lives in a darker version of Rumplestiltskin's castle, stuck in her past servant role. To free her, he wants to use Pandora's Box to trap Rumplestiltskin. Mr. Gold grabs Belle and teleports them to the pawnshop where she snaps out of it. Mother Superior encourages her to join the others since they may need her resourcefulness, but Belle wishes to stay with Mr. Gold in case he passes away. Suddenly, a group of men burst into the tavern to announce they will be heading to a far off land in search of a beast called the Yaoguai. ("Strange Case"), At the hospital, Belle is waiting to have her first ultrasound when Snow comes to talk to her. Regina then warns Mr. Gold against stopping her trip to New York or she'll hurt Belle. Instead, she begins reaching for the conch shell, however, Jekyll smashes it before she can call for Hook. Hair color: In defiance of them, she storms out, going to the library to figure out Mr. Gold's location with a map. Will grabs Belle's hand in an attempt to comfort her, though she turns around to stare longingly at the man who was once her husband. Belle confronts her husband, vowing to not let him succeed, before criticizing him for once again making the wrong choice. Later, Samuel makes an unexpectedly quick recovery, and he admits he came to rescue her on her father's orders. Tears well up in Belle's eyes, especially when Mr. Gold considers how she stood by him even after everything he's done to her. Belle tries assuring him that they do have a spell to release the nuns as well as the Apprentice, but it'll take some time since she is consulting with outside sources to translate it. He makes it short and vague. During a painful labor, she passes out and meets "Morpheus" in the dream world, where he once again implies what she must do to stop Mr. Gold. While she is on a diner date with Will, Hook pulls Belle aside for a chat and tells her about Regina going undercover and finding out Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change their stories. At the pawnshop, Belle reveals to Elsa and Emma that they can defeat Ingrid's curse with a hair strand from someone who has already been affected by the same spell and making a counterspell with it. She tells him of her imprisonment and asks if the release of magic was to seek revenge for her capture. First appearance: Later in the day, Belle goes to sort books in preparation for a future library opening. Instead, Belle comes clean about the part of the prophecy she omitted and explains what he must do after her death in order to be led back to her. ("Awake"), Upon learning from Mr. Gold that the Black Fairy has been controlling Gideon's actions this whole time, Belle is relieved that their son can be saved after all. Even knowing this, Belle still believes Mr. Gold has changed for the better. I mean, damn. Surprised at his concern, she wonders why he cares about her. From the opposite side of the town line, Belle promises to wait for him. Since the war is unavoidable now, Maurice brings up the arranged marriage again, since he cannot defend his kingdom without Lord LeGume's army. Kathryn Nolan is a character on ABC 's Once Upon a Time. After the ultrasound, Belle receives two photo scans of the baby, with the option of giving one to Mr. Gold. Armed with the dagger, she commands Mr. Gold to lead her to the Snow Queen. She is also a proud bibliophile, her favorite genres being fantasy and adventure. Believing he wants to talk her into taking him back again, she begins reiterating what she told him last time, but he gives her a potion, telling her to use it to leave town and see the world as she's always wanted. What if Lacey and Mr Clark eat the magic beans and get their memories back and everyone uses the last bean to go to Neverland. Relatives: Gender: You make me want to go back. She helps Ariel and Hook to search the shop for one of Eric's old belongings in the hopes of finding him. This cheers up Henry, who thanks her and endearingly calls her "Grandma", which makes Belle laugh and suggest he just refer to her by name. While still unconscious, Mr. Gold's now completely white heart is inserted into his chest, and the Apprentice freezes him with magic, although there is no guarantee he will survive. As a wounded soldier is carted towards camp, she recognizes him as Samuel, her childhood friend. ("Tiny"), While still resting up in her hospital room, Belle meets Regina. With the nuns, Belle assists them at the diner when Mr. Gold arrives asking her to watch over the pawnshop. After learning more about Mr. Gold inability to age because of his powers, Lacey wonders if she, too, could become immortal so they could be together forever. Belle and Rumple's Final Scene - Once Upon A Time ABC 1.1M views 5 years ago Matthew Perry details battle with addiction, fame, and life today in new memoir l GMA Good Morning America 237K. There, she is startled by the elevator coming up and readies herself with a weapon, bracing for whoever will step out, only for the door to reveal Mr. Gold, who is hiding from Merida. At a witch's house, they perform a spell in the cauldron that conjures up a vision of where the clan lords have captured Merida's brothers and sentenced them to execution. As they prepare to climb a mountain, Anna uses Belle's ice pick and accidentally drops an item. When her command yields nothing, Belle is relieved, however, she remains unaware Mr. Gold is already in front of her, except he is disguised as Hook. Belle nearly succeeds until he warns her it's a trap, to which she notices Zelena has been quietly watching from the shadows. Billy takes the rejection in stride and leaves. Belle pins him on the floor by toppling a bookshelf and scurries into the elevator. Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)Librarian (formerly)Castle servant (formerly) ("The Apprentice"), Assigned as Neal's caretaker for the day, Belle heads to the apartment where she cradles the cooing infant while sitting on Mary Margaret's bed. This leads her to play the tape, which is a recording of Mr. Gold singing a Scottish lullaby for his and Belle's unborn child. Belle affirms that the cup has no magic in it, as it's a souvenir from Doc's birthday party, but David takes it anyway, having a plan of his own. Belle recognizes the symptom as being lovesick, to which Dreamy begins talking to her about a fairy named Nova who told him about going to Firefly Hill. When Will walks up to her inside the shop, she smiles happily before kissing him; much to Mr. Gold's shock. The festival is scheduled for April 22, beginning at 4 p.m. at the Andy Griffith Playhouse in Mount Airy, featuring a performance by Jeff and Sheri Easter. During this, she tells him about her mother instilling her love for books, and then lends him her favorite one, Her Handsome Hero. She opens her pouch of fairy dust, sprinkling it on the Yaoguai, who turns back into a human man, Prince Phillip. ("The Outsider"), After the curse is cast, Belle becomes a patient in the town hospital's psychiatric ward. Elsa dupes them by handing over a pouch full of rocks and takes the real pendant to continue tracking her sister. She is the only daughter of Maurice, an inventor with whom she resides in a small French village. Hook counters that Mr. Gold wouldn't unless he had something to gain out of it. Emilie de Ravin The cloak becomes enchanted and floats towards the location of its owner, to which Ariel and Hook follow along. As Henry helps her pull out another suitcase, some stacked items fall in the process. Inspired by this, Mary Margaret wonders if they could find a way to talk to Merlin. When Mr. Gold surprises her with his presence, Belle figures out both he and Will somehow worked together to regain her heart. ("The Bear and the Bow"), When Hook enters the pawnshop seeking Mr. Gold, Belle mistakes him for Emma in disguise and aims a crossbow at him, which she only drops after Mr. Gold assures her that it's actually Hook. ("Into the Deep"), In the pawnshop, Belle is getting ready for a picnic lunch with Mr. Gold when Emma, David and Mary Margaret arrive. Completing the trio, Cruella steps out to pressure Rumplestiltskin into paying the ransom, but he only gives up the gauntlet once Belle's heart is almost crushed by Ursula. Template:FA Belle, later known as Belle French, also known as Mrs. Gold and briefly known as Lacey, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. When he warns her a second time, Belle notes a shawl nearby. Love & Friendship TV Ouat Once Upon A Time Boyfriend Girlfriend Storybrooke Emma Swan . Later, Belle stops by a village well to grab a sip of water and is accosted by Claude and his cronies for previously misleading them to the lake. Zelena scoffs at Belle about not having learned her lesson the last time the dagger was utilized on Mr. Gold. Mr. Gold arrives too late, and when he asks for his son's name, Belle refuses to tell him, for fear he'll use this to track down Gideon. She calls him out for torturing the ogre during her absence earlier, while Gaston argues that ogres are evil and he didn't need a mirror to know that. Troubled by the find, she tests the gauntlet out and it leads her to the real dagger. Belle backs off from questioning her son, but Mr. Gold decides to use the Sands of Morpheus to speak to his son in his dreamworld without the Black Fairy's interference. "Once Upon a Time" tells the story of a new world, one in which fairy-tale legends and modern life collide. The actress opened up about her weight loss journey in a brave post and now, she looks nothing like before. When a fury kidnaps Robin Hood, Belle gives Regina information about the fury, which is a demon of the underworld sent to extract the unpaid price of magic, and that she has until the full moon reaches its zenith to save him. After moving his wife to the couch, he tries to convince her to allow him to use the dagger on her just this once so she can be cured of whatever ailment she has. Despite her doubts about Samuel's story, she keeps her find a secret. She has no memories of anything, so Regina knocks the girl unconscious and uses magic to levitate the items in Belle's bag into the air to find clues on the dagger's location. Recognizes him as Samuel, her favorite genres being fantasy and adventure tricking her and reveals he to. Orders, Belle figures out both he and Will somehow worked together to regain her heart of Eric 's belongings... 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