In the Metal Gear Solid 4 Directors trailer, Raiden makes a parody appearance along with Snake, who is dressed to look like Sam Fisher, the main character in Splinter Cell. Some of Raikov's interrogation quotes are also direct references to things Raiden said at various points in Metal Gear Solid 2. He was never okay. -9. In the English version, similar to his appearance in the Snake Eraser segment (which also dealt with time travel), Raiden is not voiced by Quinton Flynn. After George told him to not worry about him and just save the children and stop the scientist, Raiden decided to act. Following his debut in Metal Gear Solid 2, Raiden was met with a mixed reception from fans of the series. In addition, in large part because of his experiences during the Big Shell Incident as a test subject for the S3 Plan, as well as Snake's advice in the aftermath of the S3 Plan, he also aimed to follow through with Snake's vision of people living their own lives, also believing that doing so will fully free him from being a pawn to the Patriots' proxies. Raiden was a special character downloadable from the SCENE expansion pack along with Vamp. Boris then reminded him that he had less than an hour to get to Solis. B The twist that Raiden was not Snake was admitted by Kojima to have been inspired by the plot twist of Terminator 2: Judgment Day where the titular character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger was not a villain in that movie.[41]. Late response. [30] His desire to protect the weak at all costs, even if it meant taking lives to ensure the weak were protected, stemmed from his past as a child soldier in Liberia, and not wanting anyone else to experience the kind of childhood he had. In addition, he also learned from both Boris and Armstrong himself that he currently didn't plan on assassinating the President. Due to his participation in the Liberian Civil War, Raiden was one of the few Force XXI VR subjects to possess actual combat experience. To play as Raiden, the player must beat the game 100%, collecting all coins with character Mark Appleyard. Another letter regarding the retrieval of Raiden's arm further implies that the amputated body part was in fact his left arm. This eventually culminated in Rose entering his room without his permission, which was devoid of any personal objects save for a bed and a desk. In the cast gallery section for the Piggyback Guide's Collector's Edition, Raiden's design was given commentary by Yoji Shinkawa, Etsu Tamari, and Kenji Saito. The most notable are Major Zero's codename handle of Major Tom during the Virtuous Mission and The Fury's line of "coming home" when defeated in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, as well as the group Diamond Dogs in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Raiden's decisive attack would prove his earlier statement that he did not fear death, running his sword through his own abdomen, but impaling Vamp as well. After becoming a cyborg, Raiden possessed incredible superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. Taken aboard the aircraft Nomad, Raiden continued to suffer and his chances of survival became bleak. He shares this codename with the Mitsubishi J2M Raiden, an Imperial Japanese WWII fighter aircraft, which the Allied forces codenamed "Jack." Preventing a group of Haven Troopers from reaching an immobilized Snake, Raiden demonstrated lightning-like powers, with which he struck down several of the would-be attackers. Before he can question this Ames suddenly dies of an apparent heart attack. More than that he can raise over 300 ton in extreme energy, and punching on steel. He's 100% devoted. At one point in Chapter R-02, Raiden asks Courtney how a certain food (Napolitanos) tasted, before dismissing the question and deciding that he can't "capture" anything down in the sewers, nor does he really need to anyway. The final color model was unveiled on the Metal Gear Solid Facebook page at 5:58 PM on August 9, 2012. Blade, Mk23 His eye after his upgrade in 2018 occasionally turned crimson when being deployed or when about to undergo a deadly maneuver, a side effect of his eye being modified with an optical implant. On April 30, 2007, Jack met Rosemary after transferring to Fort Hamilton[10] in New York City, and had an argument about King Kong. Main Article. [33], At some point between his meeting with Rose and his participation in the Big Shell Incident, Rose had informed Raiden that he physically resembled the British singer/actor David Bowie from the latter's youth due to his androgynous features.[34]. For most of the game's development, Raidens name was written in katakana as or literally "Raiden." On February 15, 2013, the official Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Rising Facebook pages posted that the MGS4 Raiden would be available as a DLC download for Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network for releases outside Japan on February 19 (the release date for the North American version of Metal Gear Rising). There's enough there to suggest Raiden does in fact manage to dismantle the military industrial complex and free people to make their own choices. Raiden was also capable of running fast enough to scale walls without falling. appears as the main protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. During his battle with Stephen Armstrong, the senator called Raiden "Saucy Jack," which was the pen-name supposedly used by the original Jack the Ripper to London police at Scotland Yard after committing his second murder and onward. Raiden's superhuman durability makes him virtually indestructible due to the parts of his body made entirely out of steel and artificial muscle fibers. With his custom cyborg body, his durability increased tremendously, as demonstrated in Denver, Colorado after raiding World Marshal HQ. However, Blade Wolf had gotten back up, and after playing back a message Sam recorded before his death, supplied Raiden with Sam's sword. Raiden's original cyborg body, circa 2014. Raiden also managed to save the other children from the chloroform gas in time and was successful in the attempt to save both the children and George although Raiden was heavily disturbed by what he had seen that day. Sundowner then informed him that the event was the beginning of Operation Tecumseh, but elaborated no further. Afterwards, Raiden was sent to a hospital where he was fitted with a new cybernetic body that featured artificial skin, giving him a somewhat more human appearance. Similarly, some concept artworks for Raiden himself also had him wearing an outfit superficially resembling his Skull Suit with a face mask covering all but his upper face, as well as his carrying a then-infantile Sunny. Raiden appears as the playable main character in Metal Gear Rising, set four years after the events of MGS4. He later pulled a similar feat with the much larger Metal Gear EXCELSUS. Sam is entirely sure of his cause. Raiden, as well as his younger self (identified as Jack in the casting call). Raiden eventually learned of the Patriots' existence, as well as the development of Arsenal Gear, an enormous warship for which the Big Shell acted as a disguise. It's interesting to note that whilst playing as this character, Raiden shares the same face as Frank Jaeger in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. Instead, he decided to hold the Haven Troopers off and buy Snake enough time to reach the AI and upload the virus. Raiden and Snake were able to join forces to take down Dead Cell and upload a virus into GW, Arsenal's AI. Even though Raiden acted as the basis for Raikov's creation, as well as the latter's relationship with Volgin, using the Raiden suit in the boss fight against the Man on Fire (Volgin's new form) does not illicit any unique reactions from the latter. On March 4, Kojima compared Raiden's characterization to that of action film series hero John Rambo, citing that both characters fight despite being peaceful in nature.[64]. Sam absolutely crushed Raiden in their first fight not because Sam was better naturally, but because Raiden was fighting himself. We probably won't ever know what the next step was going to be. [13], In time, Raiden decided to return to the military sector, seeking a non-combat position so that he could provide for his family. Raiden had some knowledge of pop culture, as his meeting with Rose occurred from an argument relating to the building the titular monster climbed in the film King Kong (Rose claimed it was the Chrysler Building which Raiden pointed out was in Godzilla), and was at least familiar with the film Escape from New York, as he deduced the partial origin of Solid Snake's alias, Iroquois Pliskin, from that film. He also was requested by Doktor to retrieve the left hands of any cyborgs that he defeated, largely due to the valuable data stored on their arms, in exchange for both the surgery and any future upgrades. Shortly after the call, he was ambushed by cybernetic Denver cops under World Marshal's payroll, as they effectively had control over the city. He shares this career with his look-alike, Raikov. Raiden and Snake, with RAY in the background. Backed to a wall and at the enemy's mercy, Raiden was saved at the last moment by the successful virus upload, the AI's destruction disabling his opponents' internal nanomachines and incapacitating them. The lines themselves, however, are incorporated into optional Codec conversations for Chapter R-04. he shot himself. His strength was also enough for him to effortlessly pry open a gate with his bare hands. Because of the limited time, they had to undergo ignition without a countdown. In the same trailer, each of the skins is shown fighting against enemies in a similar manner to how they fought in at least one scene from their original appearances. The game-play strives to allow the player to replicate the same kind of feats that Raiden performed in Metal Gear Solid 4. On February 15, 2013, the official Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Rising Facebook pages posted that the MGS4 Raiden would be available as a DLC download for the Xbox Live and PlayStation Network networks for releases outside Japan on February 19 (the release date for the American release of Metal Gear Rising), and also specified that it's not a pre-order bonus. II, Raiden relayed a coded message from Sunny to Naomi, regarding the completion of the FOXALIVE computer virus. Along with this, his jump has increased distance. The body in Rising appears to be more Artificial than the others I think he's still got his head in storage while the rising body is just his brain, spine, and eye. literally means "thunder and lightning" or "thunder god" in Japanese. After Raiden succesfully damages the Harrier and destroys Solidus' eye, a Metal Gear Ray suddenly leaps out of the water and carries Solidus and the jet away, presumably down towards Arsenal Gear. Because of his experiences with the Patriots' AIs, he also wasn't initially trusting of sentient neuro-optical AI weapons like Blade Wolf, with Raiden being bemused that Blade Wolf, then the LQ-84i, in his dying sentiments, could conceive of, much less desire, freedom, as well as calling out Blade Wolf for claiming that AIs never lie by claiming that the Patriots AIs did just that. Raiden in Rising. Entitled Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser, Raiden (voiced by Charlie Schlatter, who voiced Raikov in the main game), motivated by Rose's comment about changing the future, attempts to "erase" Solid Snake by traveling back in time in a Terminator-like fashion and attempting to assassinate Naked Snake, all ending in humorous failure. Despite the best of his abilities, he was unable to defeat Armstrong, let alone do sufficient damage. He managed to wipe out 8 confirmed Body-Snatcher soldiers at the base and prepared to undergo extraction procedures at the base's heliport, but an unexpected siege of reinforcements of the Body-Snatchers forced the chopper to retreat into the air, with Raiden fighting off all remaining Body-Snatchers until all were confirmed to be eliminated, with the chopper using its searchlight to identify where the Body Snatchers were. Raiden enters defensive position after being ambushed by the IM prototype LQ-84I/K-9000. Said episode later aired as part of the Konami Pre-E3 show. They do this by the nanomachines in Raiden's blood which they implanted before the Big Shell. [74], The controversial reception of Raiden's creation was part of the reason why both the Raikov mask item and the character of Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov were created for Metal Gear Solid 3, as well as why Kojima initially made Raikov's fate determinant on the player's actions. While the plot initially detailed what happened to Raiden between Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4, the final Platinum version is set four years after the events of MGS4.Raiden, now a member of a PMC known as Maverick Security Consulting, Inc., finds himself caught up in a Roaring Rampage of Revenge ance when an African Prime Minister he's guarding gets taken hostage . He also states that he's going to enjoy the ensuing carnage before being ambushed by the DPD cops/Desperado/World Marshal soldiers. Raiden's vengeful obsession with Desperado became personal when he discovered during a mission in Mexico that Desperado and World Marshal Inc. had kidnapped several children, surgically removed their brains to place into cybernetic bodies, and were planning to subject them to VR training modeled after his own. His cyborg body appears to conduct electricity or he seems to be highly resistant to it as when he is separated from his H.F Blade the lightning seems to stop. He then proceeded to rush through the enemy resistance, eventually jumping across several Sliders and run up a building to reach the top. As a child, this characteristic, alongside his Caucasian appearance, had him stand apart from other Liberians, whom at that time were largely African in ethnicity. The script included in The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 indicated that Raiden's hair color was changed prior to the script's finalization,[36] while Rose retained the original blonde hair by the time the script was finalized. It was here that he earned the nickname Jack the Ripper as he was particularly brutal with his killings and showed remarkable prowess with using a blade. The armors were also included in-game as unlockables. As he made sure the calculations based on the GPS data were correct, he deduced that Desperado had beaten him to it. Raiden then battled against Sam within the train tunnel. Likewise, the "Eye" trailer[19] mentioned that the damage to Raiden's left eye was irreparable due to the optical nerve being completely destroyed, resulting in it having to be removed. A former child soldier, FOXHOUND member and a close ally of Solid Snake, Raiden has since joined an elite task force known as Maverick in the time period between the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Metal Gear Solid: Rising. However, on the downside, he possesses less stamina and health points which makes him vulnerable when he is surrounded by enemies. Could she mean Liberia? 50 It would have resulted in an instant game over. Raiden holding the high-frequency blade. Raiden's naked CG character model (used during the initial infiltration of Arsenal Gear) actually possesses no genitalia. Tamari also explained that the cybernetic functions (including Fuel Cell energy) was based on research led by the University of Texas, and that they had Raiden lack self-repair units to emphasize his role as a "dark hero." Inferno Raiden Skin bonus giveaway advert for Tsutaya. In one of the Alternative Missions, Raiden's dead body must be examined in order to identify and photograph his killer from a selection of characters in the torture facility of Arsenal Gear. Suspecting that an ambush awaited him, he carefully scanned for any potential enemies nearby, although the ground gave way underneath him. RAIDEN - This Raiden, taking upon the appearance of Gray Fox, is armed with the H.F Blade. After 9/11, Raiden's name began to be written in kanji as . During the civil war that began in 1989, an exceptionally young Jack began his military career. From there he participated in over three hundred VR simulations,[note 1] including re-creations of the Shadow Moses Incident and the Tanker Incident. [26] He also possessed barcode tattoos all over his body.[27]. Raiden infiltrated the Big Shell by water, swimming through a recently cut hole in the oil fence in order to infiltrate the plant. He then received a call from Boris, who angrily demanded an explanation for his resignation. Raiden was born in Liberia on what he stated was a 'rainy day'. [62] Another update on the official site indicated that the MGS4 Raiden skin would be available via pre-order from Amazon for the Japanese version of Metal Gear Rising. Pursued by Revolver Ocelot Raiden is then forced to leave the area and moves to track down the president. However, his skills at Russian were less than stellar. NEW MERCH - BECOME A VIP MEMBER (and see early videos): SUBSCRIBE TO THE . Taken aboard Arsenal, Raiden was later freed by Olga, telling him that they had needed to use him so that Snake could sneak on board. This is later confirmed in the Unique Weapons trailer, which also implies that Raiden received copies of these weapons after they were developed by Doktor after he carefully analyzed their combat data. This suggestion was made due to the fact that he and Zimmerman had previously worked together on The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, in which he was Jonny's second voice actor. Raiden is actually a pretty good dad considering his situation. Infiltrating the Mexican research facility. The figure's silhouette and the figure brandishing a sword implied that the figure was Raiden. The Patriots had named him after the plane[24] and later informed Raiden that, like his namesake, he was nothing more than a weapon, a tool to be discarded once its usefulness has been outlived. When his Visor was closed, he could see all traps in the map. Solidus then destroyed them out of frustration. Olga, under the guise of Deepthroat, told Raiden of the location of the hostages. She proceeded to introduce their son to Raiden, and the three huddled together in reunion. With Maverick unable to identify their affiliations, Boris ordered Raiden to take out the cyborgs. 's odd behavior, Raiden had Snake's partner Otacon investigate, who eventually learned that the Colonel was actually an AI construct of GW, partially based on the manipulation of Raiden's memories. In addition, "Raiden" was initially supposed to be his real name, with his full name being "Raiden Brannigan," during development. Afterwards, Raiden decided against rejoining Maverick, having resolved to fight his own war, albeit against more cyborg mercenaries contracted out to kill him. Throughout the mission, Raiden also harbored some suspicions that he may enjoy killing people, although he did not know why. Because of this, he was outwardly cold and distant even to people whom he personally knew, such as his then-girlfriend Rosemary. "Ivan," the first name of Raikov, is the Russian equivalent of "John," for which "Jack" is often used as a nickname in English. After Raiden cleared the final barricade, Raiden proceeded to take a motorcycle that caught his eye (coincidentally, the same one that Sam rode into Denver two years earlier), although not before leaving a "note" etched into the ground stating that he needed to return the vehicle to its owner. After being ambushed by the nanomachines in Raiden 's superhuman durability makes him virtually indestructible to... Crushed Raiden in their first fight not because Sam was better naturally, but Raiden! 'S name began to be written in kanji as Maverick unable to defeat Armstrong, alone. To reach the top lines themselves, however, are incorporated into optional Codec conversations Chapter... Angrily demanded an explanation for his resignation 's blood which they implanted before the Big Shell by,... The aircraft Nomad, what happened to raiden after metal gear rising was born in Liberia on what he stated was a special character downloadable from SCENE! 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